March 26, 2012

Decisions, Decisions

I need your help with a big decision guys. I need your opinions on which new wedding ring I should get. Before I show off the rocks though, a little bit of a back story....

My husband and I were living in Richmond, VA, working 100+ hours a week on the presidential campaign and couldn't rub two pennies together. We slept on an air mattress for 8 months until we could finally afford a bed (my mom's best friend actually sent us a new air mattress in the mail at one point because ours had a slow leak and we couldn't spend the $30 for a new one). 

We were a little bit poor.

One night as we were going to bed, my husband (then boyfriend) asked me what I wanted for Christmas that year. I told him that I wanted a sewing machine. I asked him what he wanted, and he said that he wanted to be engaged by Christmas. 

Can I just tell you that the silence that followed was deafening. I then turned to him and said...'Are you proposing to me?' He responded with, 'Yeah....I guess I am.' I told him to turn on the lights then, because if he was going to propose, I at least wanted to be able to look at him. 

Despite its awkward beginning, we both got all sentimental and sappy and it turned out to be very sweet. The next day, I made him call my parents and ask for permission/tell them he proposed already. 

The problem was though, he didn't have a ring since a) it was so impromptu, b) we were very, very poor. 

It was about three months later when my mom and I went to Kohls and I bought a Vera Wang ring with CZ stones and it was sterling silver plated. I think it was about $40.

 **Vera Wang ring from Kohls**

It was very pretty, but not built to last. The sterling silver plating wore off, so the base metal was always against my skin. I am very delicate, and got a bad allergic reaction from my ring. So no more Vera Wang ring. 

After a few months of looking and asking for a new ring, I finally was able to buy one from an awesome etsy seller, onegarnetgirl. It was simple, beautiful, understated and pure sterling silver. Hooray!!

Well after three years, I need a new ring. My ring accidentally broke (easy to fix, but caused it to became loose) and fell off my finger. I can't find it anywhere, so I have been wearing my plain wedding band until I get a new one. 

I absolutely love onegarnetgirl's designs and I want to buy from her again. Here are photos below of my top choices. They are all sterling silver and feature a white topaz stone (no diamonds for us)! 

I have a favorite, but I can't bite the bullet just yet. 
Can you please help me figure out which one I should get?


What do you guys think?


  1. Option 5, I love the double braid band. Fran

  2. Number two is beautiful! I love the oval shape.

    Amanda @ Running In Heels

  3. I am in a similar situation! I am trying to decide on a white topaz onegarnetgirl ring and can't decide on size... 7 or 8mm stone! it's this one (this is mossenite but I will have topaz, no diamonds for me either ;))... what do you think? I don't know if I'll be able to fit a plain wedding band underneath...


Thanks so much for your comments. I really appreciate what you have to say and read every comment. If you need to get in touch with me right away, email me at Thanks!

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