April 12, 2012

Oh, How Pinteresting...

This week seems to have gotten away from me. I feel a few days behind on all my work stuff, housecleaning and personal things, including this lovely little blog. 

(You don't even want to know about the massive pile of laundry that I have had sitting on my floor for the past three days. I'm going to give it one more day to figure out how to fold itself, then I suppose I will give in and do it myself).

For the past two Wednesday's, I have shared some of my favorite items discovered on/pinned to Pinterest from that week. Since I didn't do it yesterday, and I still want to show you guys some cool things I found, I am going to go ahead and double-back and do it today. So, let's all just pretend that I did this yesterday and kept with my usual schedule.

Royal Blue Velvet Loafers. Loving the tassel. 


 Haunting quote from my favorite author. 


Digging the neon yellow and gray.

This are H-A-N-D-M-A-D-E by a couple on etsy. Seriously....how talented. 

From the always wise and fabulous Oscar Wilde. The above quote is actually on a piece of metal that is part of a cuff bracelet. 

I really want to try this out. I need to remember to buy make-up sponges the next time I'm at Target.

A little 'Mumford & Sons' jewelry for ya. 

So there you have it! My favorite pins of the week. 
Want to follow me on pinterest? 
You can find me here - www.pinterest.com/mysweetnomsa

Leave your pinterest username in the comments below, so I can follow you and your discoveries!


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