March 23, 2010

Business Trip...

My Husband has been away on a business trip the last two days, and it is almost like I become a completely different person when I know he isn't going to be home for a night or two. Even though he has only been gone for 36 hours, I have somehow morphed into the stereotypical dirty male bachelor.

1) I have not bathed since Sunday. Not really that big of an issue at all for me, but I know my mom will find this disgusting. And honestly....even if he was home, I probably wouldn't have bathed still.

2) The dishes have not been done since Sunday. In fact, my work table still has my bowl from breakfast sitting on it. If you must know, the kitchen sink is terribly far away from the computer in my spacious studio apartment.

3) The laundry that I washed yesterday morning (hooray me!) is still unfolded and not put away.

4) I baked two dozen vegan molasses cookies on Sunday, and even though he ate a few before he left....there are two left.

5) I have watched Season 1 & Season 2 of '10 items or less' and Season 3 of 'Solitary 3.0' on Hulu.

6) I left the house once to go to the post office and Chipotle.

7) I have eaten quite a few frozen meals the last two days to avoid cooking or entering the kitchen.

As you can see, I like to let myself go when he goes away. I am always cooking and cleaning when he is around, so whenever he leaves I just hole up, work on my business for 20 hours straight and eat frozen meals. I miss him terribly, but I love being messy every now and again.

While writing this blog entry, the Husband called and let me know he will be home within an hour. I now need to hurry and go fix all of the above mentioned problems. Wish me luck!

1 comment :

  1. Good luck! I can relate to your plight now however, in the past friends used to call me the cleaning nazi. xo


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