My Husband has been away on a business trip the last two days, and it is almost like I become a completely different person when I know he isn't going to be home for a night or two. Even though he has only been gone for 36 hours, I have somehow morphed into the stereotypical dirty male bachelor.
1) I have not bathed since Sunday. Not really that big of an issue at all for me, but I know my mom will find this disgusting. And honestly....even if he was home, I probably wouldn't have bathed still.
2) The dishes have not been done since Sunday. In fact, my work table still has my bowl from breakfast sitting on it. If you must know, the kitchen sink is terribly far away from the computer in my spacious studio apartment.
3) The laundry that I washed yesterday morning (hooray me!) is still unfolded and not put away.
4) I baked two dozen vegan molasses cookies on Sunday, and even though he ate a few before he left....there are two left.
5) I have watched Season 1 & Season 2 of '10 items or less' and Season 3 of 'Solitary 3.0' on Hulu.
6) I left the house once to go to the post office and Chipotle.
7) I have eaten quite a few frozen meals the last two days to avoid cooking or entering the kitchen.
As you can see, I like to let myself go when he goes away. I am always cooking and cleaning when he is around, so whenever he leaves I just hole up, work on my business for 20 hours straight and eat frozen meals. I miss him terribly, but I love being messy every now and again.
While writing this blog entry, the Husband called and let me know he will be home within an hour. I now need to hurry and go fix all of the above mentioned problems. Wish me luck!
March 23, 2010
March 21, 2010
Picnic in the Park...
Happy Sunday everyone!
Not to make all of my Colorado family jealous, but it has been simply gorgeous here in DC this past week! We are finally done with snow and rain and enjoying 75 degree days. That's right, a perfect 75 degrees.
Today the Husband and I decided to take a picnic in Rock Creek Park which is the largest park in DC. It is awesome because our high rise apartment overlooks the park, so all we ever see in the city is a canopy of trees. We decided to venture into today and found some picnic tables and had a delicious vegan feast. I made curried chickpea sandwiches with avocados (click here for the recipe) and a huge bowl of mixed berries. After stuffing our faces, we sat and read our books for an hour. It was a lovely way to spend a bright and sunny Sunday. I hope you and yours made the most of it!

Not to make all of my Colorado family jealous, but it has been simply gorgeous here in DC this past week! We are finally done with snow and rain and enjoying 75 degree days. That's right, a perfect 75 degrees.
Today the Husband and I decided to take a picnic in Rock Creek Park which is the largest park in DC. It is awesome because our high rise apartment overlooks the park, so all we ever see in the city is a canopy of trees. We decided to venture into today and found some picnic tables and had a delicious vegan feast. I made curried chickpea sandwiches with avocados (click here for the recipe) and a huge bowl of mixed berries. After stuffing our faces, we sat and read our books for an hour. It was a lovely way to spend a bright and sunny Sunday. I hope you and yours made the most of it!

March 19, 2010
Hello, my name is Ashlee and I am a Hypochondriac.
<Hi Ashlee! Welcome!>
It's true. I am a bonafide Hypochrondiac suffering with a case of cyberchondria. Cyberchondria is a colloquial term for hypochondria in individuals who have researched medical conditions on the Internet. In other words, WebMd = my vice. It gives me my fix of daily dome.
If you tell me you have an illness, within 24 hours I fully believe I also have that illness. WebMd confirms my aliment and also lets me know three dozen other diseases I have. I don't know if you have been to WebMd lately, but they have this program on there called a 'Symptom Checker.' It is basically a human body and you click on the area that hurts. You narrow down your symptoms and then they show you the hundreds of possible diseases you have. It's awful, yet wonderful at the same time.
Last week, the Husband and I went into the doctors for full physicals. I went in with my full list of possible illnesses (blood clots, anemia, uterine fibroids, cancer, etc) and was completely dismissed by the doctor. Typically I like my doctor to say, "No Ashlee, you don't have any blood clots because of x,y,z." I like to be constantly comforted and pulled out of my medical delusions, and instead, he insisted on doing blood work. The nerve!
Anyway, today I get a call from the doctor's office saying they need to talk to me about my blood work and want me to come in. Oh, and the first available appointment is only five days away. Ummm....five days! Do you realize how many times I can convince myself I am dying in five days?!?!
Alas....such is my fate. I have been told it is not urgent, but still, I am anxious. I am going to try my best to not spend the next 12 hours on WebMD discovering horrible things. Wish me luck.
<Hi Ashlee! Welcome!>
It's true. I am a bonafide Hypochrondiac suffering with a case of cyberchondria. Cyberchondria is a colloquial term for hypochondria in individuals who have researched medical conditions on the Internet. In other words, WebMd = my vice. It gives me my fix of daily dome.
If you tell me you have an illness, within 24 hours I fully believe I also have that illness. WebMd confirms my aliment and also lets me know three dozen other diseases I have. I don't know if you have been to WebMd lately, but they have this program on there called a 'Symptom Checker.' It is basically a human body and you click on the area that hurts. You narrow down your symptoms and then they show you the hundreds of possible diseases you have. It's awful, yet wonderful at the same time.
Last week, the Husband and I went into the doctors for full physicals. I went in with my full list of possible illnesses (blood clots, anemia, uterine fibroids, cancer, etc) and was completely dismissed by the doctor. Typically I like my doctor to say, "No Ashlee, you don't have any blood clots because of x,y,z." I like to be constantly comforted and pulled out of my medical delusions, and instead, he insisted on doing blood work. The nerve!
Anyway, today I get a call from the doctor's office saying they need to talk to me about my blood work and want me to come in. Oh, and the first available appointment is only five days away. Ummm....five days! Do you realize how many times I can convince myself I am dying in five days?!?!
Alas....such is my fate. I have been told it is not urgent, but still, I am anxious. I am going to try my best to not spend the next 12 hours on WebMD discovering horrible things. Wish me luck.
March 16, 2010
High Heels...
Today started out typical enough. Woke up, stumbled to the computer and then made my way to the bathroom to start my intense beauty regimen. First...I brush my teeth. If I am feeling fancy, I <might> floss. Second, I wash my face with something. I have about four different creams/scrubs that I switch between depending on the quality of my skin that morning. Finally, I apply lotion to my face. Nothing fancy with SPF or anything. And that's it. Always.
But today, something happened. Maybe it was because Ke$ha was blasting through the radio, my dark circles were a little less noticeable or the fact that I have lost a few pounds recently, but I decided to get all done up.
Since I have started working full-time at home, my wardrobe consists of yoga pants, sweats and Pj's. And yes....those three are all the same thing essentially. No longer do I need to put on work pants, argyle sweaters or fancy shoes. No makeup, no hair styling, nothing! is as awesome as it sounds. But, occasionally I do become possessed with the notion of getting way too fancy for some mundane errand. Today was that day. Make-up, pants with a button/zipper combo, and <gasp> high heels.
So after my clubbing make-up was complete, and my up-do was in place, I moved on to the clothes. Over the Christmas holidays, I went to a consignment store with my mom and bought a pair of 7 for Mankind jeans. Normally...$120 dollars, got them for $25!!! Problem was...they were a bit snug. I told myself that with five pounds of weight loss, they would fit like a glove. I had promptly forgotten about these glorious pants until yesterday, when I found them, tried them on and they fit like a glove! This is the point in the story where I do a dance in front of my mirror, shaking my rear, thinking how fine I look. I complete the outfit with a hot pink cashmere sweater (thanks Mom!), a chocolate brown velvet blazer (random I know...) and some fancy high heels. I typically don't wear heels ever as I have size 10 feet and still can't figure out how to use them properly.
Mind you, today I needed to go to Target to pick up some milk, laundry detergent and orange juice. The Target is only about a 15 minute walk away, so I figured heels wouldn't be bad at all.
Anywho, I leave my apartment in my get-up, looking fabulous for all the peeps at Target. Side note: I don't live in that great of an area, so typically all of the people you want to look fabulous for are at work. Silly me forgot that dozens of un-employed men would be in front of their apartment buildings gawking and calling out. It is hard enough to walk in heels, and even harder when you are trying to not be molested.
After adding the required milk, laundry detergent, spaghetti sauce, and orange juice to my cart, I realized that this was going to be a difficult hike back home. I contemplated for five five minutes about buying some sensible flats at Target for the walk home, but my ego wouldn't let me do it. Besides, what else besides my fake alligator heels would match my chocolate brown velvet blazer so well?!?!
The next twenty minutes involved me balancing super heavy groceries, avoiding city grates, molesters, and attempting to walk home without my knees buckling. I managed to do it without any serious harm to any of my joints or pride, and all the while, I managed to look super fly.
I think there are some days when we need to dress up and look super fabulous, even if you are just going out to buy milk.
End Note: After returning upon the apartment and further checking myself out in the mirror, I determined the chocolate velvet blazer was ridiculous and shall not be worn again.
But today, something happened. Maybe it was because Ke$ha was blasting through the radio, my dark circles were a little less noticeable or the fact that I have lost a few pounds recently, but I decided to get all done up.
Since I have started working full-time at home, my wardrobe consists of yoga pants, sweats and Pj's. And yes....those three are all the same thing essentially. No longer do I need to put on work pants, argyle sweaters or fancy shoes. No makeup, no hair styling, nothing! is as awesome as it sounds. But, occasionally I do become possessed with the notion of getting way too fancy for some mundane errand. Today was that day. Make-up, pants with a button/zipper combo, and <gasp> high heels.
So after my clubbing make-up was complete, and my up-do was in place, I moved on to the clothes. Over the Christmas holidays, I went to a consignment store with my mom and bought a pair of 7 for Mankind jeans. Normally...$120 dollars, got them for $25!!! Problem was...they were a bit snug. I told myself that with five pounds of weight loss, they would fit like a glove. I had promptly forgotten about these glorious pants until yesterday, when I found them, tried them on and they fit like a glove! This is the point in the story where I do a dance in front of my mirror, shaking my rear, thinking how fine I look. I complete the outfit with a hot pink cashmere sweater (thanks Mom!), a chocolate brown velvet blazer (random I know...) and some fancy high heels. I typically don't wear heels ever as I have size 10 feet and still can't figure out how to use them properly.
Mind you, today I needed to go to Target to pick up some milk, laundry detergent and orange juice. The Target is only about a 15 minute walk away, so I figured heels wouldn't be bad at all.
Anywho, I leave my apartment in my get-up, looking fabulous for all the peeps at Target. Side note: I don't live in that great of an area, so typically all of the people you want to look fabulous for are at work. Silly me forgot that dozens of un-employed men would be in front of their apartment buildings gawking and calling out. It is hard enough to walk in heels, and even harder when you are trying to not be molested.
After adding the required milk, laundry detergent, spaghetti sauce, and orange juice to my cart, I realized that this was going to be a difficult hike back home. I contemplated for five five minutes about buying some sensible flats at Target for the walk home, but my ego wouldn't let me do it. Besides, what else besides my fake alligator heels would match my chocolate brown velvet blazer so well?!?!
The next twenty minutes involved me balancing super heavy groceries, avoiding city grates, molesters, and attempting to walk home without my knees buckling. I managed to do it without any serious harm to any of my joints or pride, and all the while, I managed to look super fly.
I think there are some days when we need to dress up and look super fabulous, even if you are just going out to buy milk.

End Note: After returning upon the apartment and further checking myself out in the mirror, I determined the chocolate velvet blazer was ridiculous and shall not be worn again.
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