December 4, 2012

Carbo Loading

As most athlete knows, carbo loading before a big race is a way to help your body obtain fuel to temporarily store and burn the next day during your strenous event. 

This past weekend, I went the way of many of great athletes and began to carbo load for my marathon in March. 

Don't say that I am not doing my due diligence with my training plan. 

Friday I was supposed to go to the gym and do my shoulders & abs weight training, plus a three mile run. Instead I went to a pub around 11pm and had a Shirley temple (don't call me Shirley) and some french fries. 

Saturday I was supposed to go on my long run of the week of seven miles and instead I sat in a pizza parlor/sports bar eating a pepperoni pizza and watching the UGA football game. 

Oh and I drank another Shirley temple.

Sunday I was supposed to make up for my mistakes on Friday and Saturday and go on my long run, but instead I went out and ate a cheeseburger (with the world's most delicious bacon. If any of my family members ever visit me in Atlanta, I will take you to numerous places that serve this amazing local bacon), had some more french fries and then we went out for frozen yogurt. 

BTW - if you can't already tell, my husband and I have a budget that we stick to each month with allocated spending in different categories. Like groceries or dining out. As soon as the 1st of the month rolled around and we could dine out at our favorite places again, we did. Now we have to wait until January to experience cheeseburgers and pizza and pub fries again :(

So training and diet plan failed miserably Friday, Saturday & Sunday. But still, this morning when I weighed myself, I had lost a few pounds since last week. I really need to work on sticking with my diet better, especially as the holidays approach and I am tempted by treats from the greatest baker and cook ever (hi mom!)

So here is a breakdown of my training plan from last week.

Monday - Weight Trained Legs
Tuesday - Weight Trained Arms/Abs, plus a 3 mile run
Wednesday - Weight Trained Chest/Back, plus a 3 mile run (broke a sub 10 minute mile)
Thursday - Weight Trained Legs
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Rest
Sunday - Rest

So overall, my running plan was way off. I needed to run a total of 16 miles, but only did 6. 

Yesterday I did end up doing my long run of seven miles, so at least the mileage got done, but a few days late. 

One more note: I am so excited to say that my husband is going to be running the Atlanta marathon as well. I am really looking forward to sharing that experience with him.

103 days until the Atlanta Marathon! Here we come!


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